Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Strike... say hello to the television drought and give love to the writers

There is officially nothing on television... Hahaha... *hides tears* lol.  The strike is finally taking hits on my personal faves. I love the writers. They're my heroes. They deserve all and beyond what they are asking for in residuals. 30 rock is holding me together (The amazing Tina Fey picketing to the left) but I miss the office, and filler grey's anatomy repeats depress me. Yes I get it, George and Izzie are in love with each other (cue the conflicting swoon and gag) All I gots now is my lover Lost which we have to wait in till FEBRUARY for. I guess I should be thankful, I don't know how I handled this hiatus back in May. I'm really looking forward to it coming back, and yes, don't hit me, I've been reading all the spoilers I can get my little fan girl hands on. Oh, how I cower in shame. lol

I went out to the picket lines a few weeks ago, dragged a couple of my friends. Seeing the writers was so amazing, it was such an inspirational serge of adrenaline. You can really tell how passionate they all are about their work and how much they believe in the strike. They were so kind and thankful to us fans for coming out and supporting them I just wanted to hug them all! I saw a guy from derrick comedy who is HILARIOUS. Check out their videos (http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=derrickcomedy) We also saw David Duchovny from X-Files and more recent Californation fame and Seth Myers and Fred Armisen from SNL. There was also a bunch of people from Law and Order, Roseanne Barr and Susie Essman of Curb your Enthusiasm. These writers are frankly the core of today’s culture. They are a huge part of my generation and all that we'll become.

And so, though this strike may pain us lets all support writers. And though we may all end up hospitalized due to over exposer of reality television, lets all us fans get behind them. Lets get them all that they deserve. You can write letters to the studio suits. Here is a great site where you can easily do so for any of your fave shows http://firedoglake.com/wga/index.php/write/compose/sent. Also to learn more about the strike and learn how you can support the writers check out http://unitedhollywood.blogspot.com/

Thank you writers

I Love you

photo credit : CBS News

Monday, December 10, 2007

Juno... For the growing up

Every time I come out of a movie theater I am in love with the film. It has to be really terrible for me not to be head over hills and enchanted with it as the credits role. Then of course soon after reality will hit and I'll realize that "hey, you know transformers kind of sucked." But for one movie that hasn't changed. That enthusiasm and love for it still remains in me. Juno. A fantastically true to life story Juno tells the story of a quirky quick witted teen, Juno (Ellen Page), who gets knocked up by her awkward short-short wearing friend Pauly Bleaker (Michael Cera). The wonderful thing about Juno is how much you fall in love with the characters, they're completely true to life and that's what makes them so tragic and hilarious at the same time. Because that's how life is, it comes in grays and contradictions. In the movie, Juno tells herself that she would not keep the baby and that she did not want it, yet you know that somewhere else inside her she was questioning her decision to give the baby up. There's a beautiful moment in the movie where Juno who had been so strong, so sure in till that point pulls over to the side of the road and just sobs broken in the levity of the situation and how so fast she seemed to be growing up.
Juno is beautifully written and the actors each perfectly compliment the script. It is such a quotable movie you'll be laughing over it for days. Ellen Page is such an inspirational actress, she has no fear with the role and just goes for it. She plays it without the frills or the melodramatics you see many teens portrayed as today, she plays it real and true to our generation. Michael Cera and Jason Bateman (the Arrested Development buddies!) and Jennifer Garner are also very complimentary parts to the cast, bringing in distinct character that you truly do sympathize with throughout the film.
Everyone, go out to see Juno. It really is Amazing and probably one of my favorite movies of the year. It's an inspiration and a lesson in growing up that's more than worth seeing. : )

Photo Credit: IMDB

Saturday, December 8, 2007

The beginning stages of...

Hey all who have stumbled across this little blog of mine.  Some how you've wondered in to the vast abyss of internetica, congratulations.  The internet is amazing.  Its wildly anonymous and is this false candy-coded way.  And yet, it's completely sincere in the way people say things they could never muster up the courage to actually utter out there in the real world.  I love it completely.  I'm Nina.  A student from NYC.  Yes I ride the subway, no I've never been mugged and I do not smoke crack, thank you very much.  I'm big film person.  Everything about movies and television amazes me.  To think that you can slip into any world you like by just walking into a theater or turning on the old tube, it makes life seem a little more simpler.  I like to think of myself as a writer too.  Ever since I was very young I would always say to myself as bad as things may get I'll always be able to write.  Finding solice in words is empowering.   Its rebelling.  And most of all its great therapy.  Hahah... Well now that I've rambled away a decent amount of your time  I just want to say hey and thanks for reading this first message of my blog.   I'll keep little anecdotes here and commentary on whatever's going on in the world.  I watch a lot of T.V. and see a lot of movies so you can expect to hear a bit on that.  


Nina : )