Thursday, January 31, 2008

Survey for the trebek mind : )

Because my mind needs to be turned to a little clump of mush for a while

And you can too, in that good ol' comments box below

1. If you were to kill a man, horror movie style, which kitchen utensil would you use?
Who's to say if? ... well hypothetically of course... I would probably use the plastic pasta spoon, because Xenu told me to have faith in carbs

2. Did you ever swallow a coin?

Hells nahhhhh... I wish though, then my digestive track would become a bank and I could just acquire my money from the toilet... (where has this blog gone?!)

3. What was the worst gift you've ever received?

4. What is your most embarrassing childhood memory?

Oh man there are just so many, let's just say it has to do with vomit and a group of fellow third graders at story time

5. How many kids do you want?
2-4... we're not talking about my bastard children right? Cause that's a whole other head count haha

6. What’s your mom’s middle name?

7. Have you ever operated a fire extinguisher?

8. Worst car you ever had to drive and why?
Well I don't drive so yeah...

9. who do you hate?
I don't hate anyone really except for those who killed people because of their own ignorance

10. what do you hope to have accomplished by the end of this year?
some films, writing pieces

11. do you have any reallllly crazy relatives?
Oh man, that's another story for another day

12. Did you ever wake up under the influence of NyQuil, completely unable to move?
Oh my god no! That happens? (she asks the survey)

13. Are you feeling nostalgic right now?


14. Did you own a Lite-Brite?


15. Can you dive?

haha, used to for like one summer

16. Do you own a mouthpiece for anything?

That's. What. She. Said.

18. Have you ever used a pogo stick?


19. Who was the most creative bum you've ever met, trying to get some money from you?

They compliment my hair when it looks like a rat climbed to the top of my head and died

20. Whats your favorite Jelly Belly jelly bean flavor?


21. favorite food you CRAVEEE?

Grandma Pizza

22. When was the last time you pulled lint out of your bellybutton?

woww... actually can't remember

23. Did you ever use someone else's toothbrush?


24. Do you REALLY floss everyday?


25. what is your favorite cologne/perfume you always wear?

Body spray from bed bath and body works

26. If you were on Double Dare, would you take the physical challenge?


27. What's the largest living organism that you killed?

Giant centipede in the camp showers

28. Did you ever take a lighting bug and smear its guts on your arm so you get a cool glowing effect like war paint?

I wish I have... all the things haven't done

29. What's the best toy you've ever gotten in a McDonalds happy meal?

The mini Barbie’s... I still have those hehe

30. if you could be anywhere in the world doing anything right now what would it be?

I would be in Hawaii with all my fave people watching the episode of Lost

31. Can you juggle?

So not coordinated enough

32. how do you feel right now?

Really Excited!

33. Do you remember that square candy bar called "Chunky"?

Yes! That was on the office. Michael had one in his pocket when he hugged Pammy and she thought his little buddy was coming out to play ha

34. Predict the length of the next Peter Jackson movie.

"Predict the length of the next Peter Jackson... " That's all I need to know, Frodo

35. What was your favorite toy as a kid?

My Playschool doll house and my little plastic animals

36. are you willing to go the distance?

Oh, of course Mr. ambiguous survey

37. Did you answer question 17?

What is, question 17 does not exist

Thank you Alex Trebek, thank you

: )

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

LOST... Striding back into our lives

One day we were making sandwiches, blowing up submarines and flashfowarding into the future and the next it was gone. Lost walked out our television's back door for nearly nine months (you could of given birth to a little baby in that time frame! Juno hehe) And now my friends it has returned. Strutting back into our life with promotion galore. I mean there is not one moment you turn on the T.V. and ABC is not pimpin' it's lone show and I couldn't be happier. Lost's fourth season premieres tomorrow night and I'm about ready "to stab my eyes out with excitement" as I told Kaitlyn fork to pupil today at lunch.
Last season we were left in the fetile position suffering from a shock induced case of the shakes due to the finales shocker. Beardy oxycodone addict love stricken new phone Jack and Freckleless Volvo driving Kate have flashfowarded and are now off the island!! *cue brain EXPLODING* And if that's not enough to have you speaking in tongues our Losties present time (?) have connected to the outside world, Charlie has seeked out his watery grave, it's "Not Penny's Boat", Sayid breaks peoples necks with his legs, Jack professes his love for Kate, and oh yea, Walt's all grown up and telling suicidal Dharma ditch Locke that he has work to do. So yea we have a lot to pick up on.
Because of the writer's strike Lost's fourth season currently only consists of eight episodes. However if things go the way they are looking negotiation wise we maybe able to finish the season with the 16 originally planned. But strike blabber aside I think we'll all savor the 8 being fed to us. And because I am weak and an addict I have seeked out several inside scoop bits of spoilers throughout the net to scratch the itch. So if you're sensitive to the spoiler world watch out for this here next paragraph.
I'm not going to tell you the whole shebang about this season because my worst fear is ruining it for some of you so I'll just hint around it. In the first episode "The Beginning of the End" two on again off agains get a bit more friendly only to find a con at the motivation... but a warm hearted that's how she always roles no hard feelings kind of con. A lostie we thought was dead returns and their looking pretty slick. And by the end of the Ep our losties have split up in to separate factions of sorts. END OF SPOILERS... for now at least.
So the greatest show ever returns tomorrow and it's going to be the cheese to this girl’s macaroni. We're not just going to get back to the adventures and the mystery but the characters we love. So, tune in tomorrow, Thursday the 31st at 8 pm for the recap show and 9 pm for "The Beginning of the End" premiere. Also tonight ABC is airing a special Enhanced version of last years brilliant season finale "Through the looking glass" at 9 pm. You can also catch past episodes here: Linkage
Everyone watch the show, it's going to make you wonder how you ever sat down and watched The Moment of Truth

Love to Lost

: )

Photo credit: Lost-media

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The beauty of Awkward... today, tomorrow next week and my love for some people : )

Okay, what do you get when you have an Asian orgy, fibrous breast and Russian dressing? ... ... You got it, a day out with Kevin and Nelle (can that equation also work with the underground after party with the prez candidates? Think on that one. Woot algebra) Anyways today we had some serious exams that may just affect the rest of our lives but what ever. After said exams Kevin, Nelle and myself frolicked around the city. When I say frolic I mean we went to Alan's for salads and sandwiches. Nelle, is amazing and is rumored to have a very nice kitchen. Kevin is essentially hot sex in a can... or dumpling should I say? (That is not racist. Dumplings are delicious.)
The three of us sat in the profound way in which we typically do contemplating the deep abyss that is our souls. And we got on the topic of the future. We discussed where we would be ten years from now, (fingers crossed for lonely waitress snorting cocaine lines in L.A.) and what it would all be like then. When you're a kid, teen, awkward, thinking about the future is ridiculously fun. It comes with a sort of hope. Like moving across the country or shaving your head the future is bold and fresh. We talked about the jobs we wanted, the kids we wanted the type spouse we desired. And as we sat in our little high school bubble I realized nearly everything is easier said then done (nearly everything: supercalafragilisticispiealadocious?) I mean the future, any way we frame it, is going to be different and it’s gonna be scary as hell. And maybe it will be good different and maybe bad. But for the first time in my entire life I've never wished more then now to never grow up and to never leave the Fordham Garden with Nelle and Kevin where we would always remain awkwardly awesome teenagers who only have to worry about the extra credit on the Science Midterm.

P.S. American idol = totally sketchy and amazing. Thus I combine the subjects of this post in the Photoshop above.

For Kevin and Nelle... I love you guys

: )

Origional photo credit:

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Cheese : )

Today I though maybe I’d become a vegan.

What a load of crap.

I soon remembered I have a way too deep close and personal relationship with cheese. We are emotionally intertwined with one another. It’s pretty epic.

Yes, I haven't updated since the days of Sparta... I know, tis shameful lol

Alanis is totally rockin' my world right now.

: )