Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The clean fresh smell of the new year!! Buy one get one free!

Hey... how's it going? Been a while. You look good.


...Awkward silence...

..longing stare...


Okay, It's been a month... or four. But I'm back now, and I'm blogcasting (Patten it!) from a spankin' new computer! The best part is I have it all to myself. Which means two beautiful things: More opportunities to not see the sun and more opportunities to blog. As we come to this new year, I will be here for you, and by seacrest we're going to make it baby! *Cue the montage*

Now, so much awesome has happened since I last blogged. OBAMA. So much greatness I can't even begin. Jim and Pam got engaged, my heart soars with the eagles nest! And the entertainment value that is Gary Busey on Celebrity rehab! "Whenever I start talking too much say cut"

Although just as many awful things happened this year as awesome I prefer not to focus on it. The news is doing enough of that already. "WE ARE ALL GOING TO LOOSE OUR JOBS, LOOSE OUR HOMES AND DIE." I'm so tired of it. As much as I know how real the deficit is I also know a schtick when I see it. Stop repeating yourself, Anderson coops, and tell us how things can get better. It does nothing for your looks, and that takes a lot.

But that's life, huh? Great things happen and horrible things happen. It's what makes the world turn and what grants us a fresh start in the new year. I learned many useful things this year. Nelle makes me smile big, dominating your family of four in Wii sports does NOT grant you athletic ability or qualify you as an athlete of any kind and Tina Fey is King.
And right now I'm about to eat two too many egg rolls and stay up way past their bed time with my family. What ever the lords of fear and money say, I'm okay. I still have chinese food.

Love counting down to a big new year of crazy.

: )

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Writing and emotional profoundness of an extra terestrial...

Hola Interneticans! Greetings! The other day I was wondering why we do the things we do, like really? Now I'm not talking about deep psychological actions, no freudian I have ten cats because I'm in love with my mother type of thing. Just what motivates us day to day? As a writer (oh, seacrest, that is way pretentious "Ahs auh wrightah") or as some one who enjoys creating made up people who live out our fantasy lives those motives are kind of pivotal. A lot of times after I write some dialogue like:

female protagonist with daddy issues and a mild drug addiction: What are you doing here?
Male reluctant leader with a savior complex (sounds rather jacky sheps, no? Maybe winehouse too.): Nothing. What are you doing?
female protagonist with daddy issues and a mild drug addiction: I was looking for you.
Male reluctant leader with a savior complex: you were?
female protagonist with daddy issues and a mild drug addiction: Yes. [she walks up to him, perhaps a slight limp or a twitching left eye] I'm dying-
Male reluctant leader with a savior complex: Nonono
female protagonist with daddy issues and a mild drug addiction: [As she dies] I... I love [she dies]
Male reluctant leader with a savior complex: NOOOOOOO!

After that do you say, "well I get that, cause that happens every day"... not really. Basically I've found myself asking why do these character make the choices they make? And, would this happen realistically within the binds of the story? I mean, you can ask this in any setting. Even if the character is living on a planet beyond our solar system with three heads it's realistic for the character to ask themselves if they want to decapitate one of the heads to fit in with a two headed society. (This also comes along with deep inner struggle which can buy you at least five pages of witty and poignant Meredith grey esq dialogue.)

Now as I am in between two quite inadequate scripts for the coming year for the highly profound film maker Ava Awesome I've found this question, although at times tedious, highly affective. It gives characters deeper development and grants them several layers. This layering also makes them more relateable because you are asking these fictional characters real questions that a real audience asks themselves everyday, (although these films are intended to have an imaginary audience screening as well. We don't discriminate.)

Well now that I've ranted and made your eyes bleed (Holy shizbuckets did anyone see the x-files movie yet? lasgosgnalknegzdlnkgdklgdknl!!!) I'd just like to say something witty... but a las a real person doesn't always have something witty to say. And I'd really liked to pass as a human being before the planet of two heads (BiCapa!) comes back for me.

Love phoning home, well at least when it creates a dramatic story climax and requires strings in the score and a hearty supply of kleenex.

: )

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Summer for the hermit crab

So a few weeks ago I know where you were. You were looking up at the sky praying to thor/sam champion to make the heat not come. And yet like every year you found yourself walking the streets of baking concrete stumbling through your doorway with your shirt half off because the humidity levels are about twice as much between the cleave. So as to avoid the heat and those jolly ole' sun fun people this summer here's some stuff you can do to effectively preserve your shut in status.


Now if you haven't joined the cults of the office and Lost I don't know what to do with you and it is your social responsibility to take a few days in your pajamas and hagandaz to watch these two glorious contributions to the world but if you have then here's a few more shows you should be watching and referencing within your daily life.

30 Rock - Hey everybody, lets let Tina Fey change our lives. Man oh man, idol status.

Battlestar Galactica - Don't laugh this little gem of nerdfighter off. Yes it is a space show but that is hardly the biggest part of it. With a social message BSG successful gives the viewer corruption, sex and pure badassness in no gravity.

Weeds - I personally am marathoning this now. So good.

Arrested Development - Do you want to be the first analrapist? Join us tobias funkes of the world and pick this too good show too fast gone up.

Jon and Kate + 8 - This show is addictive. It's so wrong and so right and adorable and heart warming and goes great with a glass of milk and a smile.


Give Feist, Ben folds, and coldplay a new, old or sun burned ear.


Me talk Pretty one Day by David Sedaris

The bell Jar by Sylvia Plath

The Other Boyeln Girl by Phillippa Gregory

Computer fun stuffers

Photoshop (harness your skills, young grasshoppers)

The Sims 2 (Bored? No longer my son)

Well here's the thing friends I've been having quiet the summer beneath the sun, and you know the outside world. It was scary at first but you know it's good to know you can come home at night your tv waiting with a freshly prepared set of DVR'd goodness. When the two summer worlds collide it's pretty glorious.

love sun rays and computer rays

: )

Saturday, May 31, 2008

So basically, we thrust in hallways...

So deflecting from Emo shit


Jack and Kate get together. And have SEX a lot of SEX

My ship does it in the shower... so... thus I have magical powers

As Ava awesomeness knows, reenactments are in order till January

Love filling the void and fictional romance

will be back soon with talk about the Lost

: )

Walking the Plank (Without intentions of being Awkity, insightful, pretentious or anything)

Do you remember in Peter Pan when little Wendy Darling walks the plank on captain hooks boat after refusing to sign herself and the Darling boys away to his ship? I swear I would sit there in front of the TV fiend status watching it over and over again. Well lately I've had the Wendy image stuck in my head. In bed at night when I'm trying to push out thoughts of all the work I have to do and replace it with contemplations over the details of the wedding dress that Pam WILL wear eventually (Omg office way to crush me with lack of ring on Beasley finger). So this "Walk the Plank, Wendy Darling" image constantly rushes to me like some weird psychological stuffers. You know there's a lot of times when I'm ready to tackle everything, when I ready to storm the day, but at the end of said day at the moments of choice and ultimatum it becomes extraordinarily easier to ignore it all. Hoping for it to pass. So there I am under the clean linens in my little white girl room and I realize that when you come down to it the more I struggle against the machine the closer I get to the edge of the plank, hands tied.

In any words I'm no Wonder woman... I could be but I'm too chicken to crack the whip and deflect the offence with my swanky gold bracelets .

Maybe I'll kick some ass. But, you know, it sounds easier tomorrow.

: )

Friday, March 21, 2008

And you were there, and you!

Don't look at me that way. So... so maybe I said I was going out to buy a coke and never came back. I'm sorry okay, I'm sorry I missed your graduation from understanding that Benji linus owns us all... I know it's rough, seeing all the other kids out there with their attentive bloggers, but you were kind of an accident, a cyber child via virtual lovin' of sorts... sooo How's your mother? Heard she's been working her spiky gelled hair off on the ole' AI (love u Ry guy) Well I'm back now... that's what matters, right? RIGHT?!

So yes I've been MIA as of a recent month. I've been really swamped at school and writing a new script. I've gone into a kind of bubble of work, which also means I've grown a beard and have become a functioning oxycodone addict. But what an Amazing time for everything this kid has ever enjoyed.

First of all

Vaginas - seriously. Vaginas have had it rough the past few weeks. With Hillary Clinton and her vag run campaign I worry for my fellow Dems, all this political drama pulls at my heartstrings. I really hope a love triangle starts up soon. It would make everything much easier for us American public. And now Vaginas have this Kristen chic. I mean Spitzer? He just couldn't have a better name. Also Fatima from Americas next top model with her female circumcision, I'm pretty excited to see how that plays out.

American Fucking Idol - Man wow, I'm actually really into it this year. I always say I'm not going to watch, that I must go against that of the American whole grain but then Ryan and Simon start flirting and Paula's making out with her fists. I just can't look away and it pulls me back in. This year though I succumbed. Skipped all the sexual tension fore-playness with the television and just watched. And I'd just like to say Jason Castro, I will have your babies, it will have dreads and play the guitar and we will name it honey bea.

Music - Check out Stars. They reign from talent trusty Canada.

Ava Awesomeness - This kid. I really enjoy. She is my little Chicken. I just had to say, she is profound.

HBO - In Treatment is my new addiction. It's tragically realistic. It's pretty amazing.

Movieness - If I divulge into this now I'll never stop. I'll just say that mastering the accent of Daniel Plainview is kind of my life's goal "Ay haav a compeeetitioun en mey"

Lost - Dear Lord, thank you for making Lost the delicious orgy it was always meant to be. This years been good, realll good like OMFG Sayid works for Bennikins?! Frieghties eat grenades! Jack and Kate Drink coffee and have eye sex in courtrooms and parking garages! Xanadu! Crazy bleed from brain out the nose time travelness Dezy! JIN??????!!! Happy Tom Friendly came out of the closet with Arturo though, made me smile in my good ole liberal way. Thank you Thank you, I've been to the island gap too. More like Oceanic Sexa

Vid of deliousness - Hand Vagina. Looking for the origins of Nina? search no further. This is basically the summary of my days. I'm not exactly human.

Any ways, shall return in brief but just thought I'd holla out to u.

Love coming home

Thank god for Ruby slippers, sense memory and Mapquest

: )

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentines Day... My Heart is still beating! YAY!

Happy Valentines Day Lurvers!

Oprah just had this couple on. He made a commercial which aired during Veronica Mars (her fave show) in whihc he asks her to marry him. OMG Helllzzz yes. I could only wish lol

Valentines day is uber fun. Today was cake in Lincoln center and coming up with ship names YAYAYAYAY

Here's a few count downs of the most heart wrenching songs and scenes. Definetely feel free to list some of your own as well!

Fifteen of the most profoundly montagable Love songs playing on my ipod

1. Falling slowly - The Frames
2. The Blowers Daughter - Damien Rice
3. Red Right Ankle - The Decemberist
4. Wonderwall - Oasis
5. So Real - Jeff Buckley
6. Scratch - Kendall Payne
7. Grace -Kate Havnevik
8. Anyone Else But you - The Moldy Peaches
9. Hold You in my Arms - Ray LaMontange
10. The Luckiest - Ben Folds
11. Samson - Regina Spektor
12. I just don't think I'll ever get over you - Colin Hay
13. Let Go - Frou Frou
14. Fix you - Coldplay
15. The Way I am - Ingrid Michaelson

The Eleven Most Heart grabbing Scenes (Haha i'm totally bootleg and my computer won't let me just one copy of the videos... so just avert you're eyes from the bad twin)

1. Bambi: Oh man this scene, traumatizing. What grabs your heart is that it tends to be the first time little kids realize the harsh truths about Mortality.

2. Sophie's Choice: This is so diffacult to watch. It's one of those scenes that catch you so much that you feel as if you are there and are having to make that choice

3. Jim tells Pam he loves her (the Office) There's a little extra music over this that the uploader added. During this scene you're totally there with Jim. When she breaks his heart she breaks ours as well

4. Jack and Kate Find Charlie Hung in a tree (Lost): Till this day this is probably one of my favorite scenes on Lost ever. There's a moment where we pull away and we're looking down on them like the scenes about to end and all the adreniline rushes away and you're caught in this reality. It's just brilliant all around.

5. The Ending of It's a Wonderful life: Nothing gets everyone in my fam vaclemped like this.

6. Izzie finds Denny dead (Grey's Anatomy): Such a great scene. You feel so much for her. This scene could of been very common like any other emmotional death scene. But this seemed strangely real and completely honest. Katherine Hiegl deserves all the credit for bringing out all these emotions and and just throwing them into our hands like a hot potato ha

7. The Ending of Into the Wild: Just Brilliance. See the movie.

8. Jack and Kate say goodbye (Lost): There are just so many layers to this scene. It's just so emotionally intertwining.

*Jate Honorable mention: Jack and Kate's first kiss: This is the greatest kiss ever. Everything about this scene is so captivating.

9. The Notebook Kiss: Just Amazing

10. Derek talks about Meredith's shampoo: This scene makes you believe in the possibility of good men.

11. The Ending of Atonement DON'T WATCH IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE MOVIE: I sobbed
Give Love you guys. It's free.

: )

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Barack Obama... Yes We Can

So maybe I can't vote, but I still have a heart... And that heart belongs to Barack Obama

More Weekendy post and Lost Rehash to come soon....

Give Love and Hope

: )

Thursday, February 7, 2008

LostRehash: The HO Ep! YAYAY

They're selling Kenny G. Albums at Starbucks. Apparently he now has a certain Latin flare. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

Now down to the meat. And when I say meet I mean, "What the EAFFF is up with Jacobs shape shifting cabin????!!" I know I know, I'm pretty tardy on this Lost blog. This won't be the usual trend. Had a bit of regurgitation of PBA stress. But now we have a clean slate, a Tabula Rasa if u will...? (Major Lost nerds I'm sure you get that reference) Okay let me just hit on some bullet points from last weeks Lost season four premier "The Beginning of the End."

- Hurley drives his Camero. Pretty great. I think of wholesome family time. Jack pours himself a screwdriver and I think of Nelle
- Oceanic Six... sounds like a cult. I swear that's exactly what this show is going to turn out to be about. After the white linen tunic funeral they can't deny that
- "Her name was Ana-Lucia Cortez. She was my partner before I made detective. Dark hair, gorgeous".... uhhh awkturt, much? And then Hurley denies knowing her. More on that is theories/final thoughts
- And then the interrogation room turns into the freakin' Hydra station. Oh man, now don't lie and say you weren't just a little freaked out about that. And then it gets crazier. The swimming Junkie hood days Charlie swims up puts his hand on the glass and it says "They Need You"

-Okay, so then we're back, Island time, Awesometown time, and Rose is giving Claire sex tips. Yep. Rose tells little aussie Claire with little baby Aaron that she better treat her man good. Granted her man's dead. But hey, some people like that stuff... woah, that was cold (that's what she said)
-Jack says he's going to kill John Locke because he's crazy. Have you looked in the mirror lately Oxycodone boy?
-Danielle punches Ben. He Bleeds. No one makes him bleed his own blood... except for everyone as of recent
- Back at the Beach Hurley does a cannon ball and has a very sexy Baywatch moment. We smile. But then in classic Lost fashion... Desmond shows up on a boat... Charlieless. Every character gets a sad reaction shot. Sayid's was my fave. I don't know why, just is. I think it's the smoothing of the hair and the turn away. Priceless.

- Kate and Jack hug. I squee with joy. I have a feeling that Kate's hands were down there not for the iPhone but the doctor butt. Felt like she'd go for it while she was gropping around.
- Hurley meets creepy Oceanic guy, Matthew Abaddon. He says creepy things. And apparently his name means creepier things. In Hebrew Abaddon means destroyer and or destruction. His name also, get ready for it, comes from the Hebrew rooted word aleph-bet-daled which means "LOST".... DUN DUN DUNNNNN!

- Now we get to the sketchiest scene. Naomi’s death. Oh my god. I think I've reenacted her slurred "GeOrgeeee" and Kate's Awkturt face in response about a billion times throughout the past week.
- And then came Jacob's cabin. Freakin' Chrissy Sheps! And then the eye!!! Hurley runs away and our hearts are beating and we're screaming at the television to get the F*ck outta there and we think we're safe and then the house pops up again and I piss my pants.

- John Locke shows up... Why am I not surprised.... sketchy little bald fetus man.
- Down by the very missed cockpit the Losties begin to gather. And Claire shows up and the strings start and Hurley says Charlie and dead in the same sentence...And here is where I cry like the little biotch that I am. Oh my gosh. I mean I was shaking with sobs. I was slurring my words waving my hands in the air. It was very Paula Abdul of me.

- At Santa Rosa Charlie shows up and looks like Hot Hobbit Sex- Jack pulls out my favorite crazy Jack face and goes badass and pulls the trigger on Lockey when he's got him pinned (that's what she said?) Turns out there's no bullets, but it was still pretty great.

- The group splits into two factions. The Lockeys and the Dr. Quinns. I giggle when Sawyer says survivin'.
- Flash Forward back to Santa Rosa's gym. Hurley’s a regular O. Branstein on the court. Jack shows up looking sexy but slightly Manorexic. They play Horse. Jack is a Ho. The island wants them to go back but Jack likes missing the basket (once again, that's what she said. Nelle, is this a record? hehe)

- Back at the cockpit Jack and Kate make sex eyes in the rain, very notebook... I smile a little too much.
- And then UP IN THE SKY the helicopter flips out and this new Beardy shows up. And then LOST

Easter egg Lost Nerd find per the Fab Lostpedia:
Apparently Ho's have a lot to do with this ep and not in the John Locke manner. Check out this little tidbit...

"The letters H and O show up several times in this episode. "H" is the 8th letter of the alphabet and "O" is the 15th, together this makes 815. "HO" is also the chemical element Holmium. Holmium has been used to create the strongest artificially-generated magnetic fields.

- While playing horse with Hurley, Jack gets the letters "H" and "O". *
- Behind Hurley as he’s freaking out over Abaddon there’s a small sculpture of the letters ‘HO’ on a shelf.
- Hurley mentions Charlie’s ghost showing up in the convenience store right next to the “Ho Ho’s”."

Crazy, eh?

Also theory wise about the Oceanic Six A-teamness I'm guessing they lied about the island or were told to lie about it by higher powers (Dharma, Hanso, Widmore, Oceanic, ect). They claim they're the only survivors, that everyone else died in the crash. I'm really excited to see how this all physiologically plays out for the six. The guilt obviously ridding them is going to break them down eventually. It's only a matter of time.

Okay so ya, freakin' loved that ep. Next day at school Ava, Maddy (wifies) and I went Ballistic. So much fun. Made us talk loud, and that's all I really need, If I can accomplish that I'm pretty satisfied

Promo next week’s ep: Confirmed dead

All the cred for pictures and smart easter egg stuff goes to and

I'm still in love with lost and the cult that surrounds it in a rainbowy sheen

Moldy peaches are delicious

: )

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Survey for the trebek mind : )

Because my mind needs to be turned to a little clump of mush for a while

And you can too, in that good ol' comments box below

1. If you were to kill a man, horror movie style, which kitchen utensil would you use?
Who's to say if? ... well hypothetically of course... I would probably use the plastic pasta spoon, because Xenu told me to have faith in carbs

2. Did you ever swallow a coin?

Hells nahhhhh... I wish though, then my digestive track would become a bank and I could just acquire my money from the toilet... (where has this blog gone?!)

3. What was the worst gift you've ever received?

4. What is your most embarrassing childhood memory?

Oh man there are just so many, let's just say it has to do with vomit and a group of fellow third graders at story time

5. How many kids do you want?
2-4... we're not talking about my bastard children right? Cause that's a whole other head count haha

6. What’s your mom’s middle name?

7. Have you ever operated a fire extinguisher?

8. Worst car you ever had to drive and why?
Well I don't drive so yeah...

9. who do you hate?
I don't hate anyone really except for those who killed people because of their own ignorance

10. what do you hope to have accomplished by the end of this year?
some films, writing pieces

11. do you have any reallllly crazy relatives?
Oh man, that's another story for another day

12. Did you ever wake up under the influence of NyQuil, completely unable to move?
Oh my god no! That happens? (she asks the survey)

13. Are you feeling nostalgic right now?


14. Did you own a Lite-Brite?


15. Can you dive?

haha, used to for like one summer

16. Do you own a mouthpiece for anything?

That's. What. She. Said.

18. Have you ever used a pogo stick?


19. Who was the most creative bum you've ever met, trying to get some money from you?

They compliment my hair when it looks like a rat climbed to the top of my head and died

20. Whats your favorite Jelly Belly jelly bean flavor?


21. favorite food you CRAVEEE?

Grandma Pizza

22. When was the last time you pulled lint out of your bellybutton?

woww... actually can't remember

23. Did you ever use someone else's toothbrush?


24. Do you REALLY floss everyday?


25. what is your favorite cologne/perfume you always wear?

Body spray from bed bath and body works

26. If you were on Double Dare, would you take the physical challenge?


27. What's the largest living organism that you killed?

Giant centipede in the camp showers

28. Did you ever take a lighting bug and smear its guts on your arm so you get a cool glowing effect like war paint?

I wish I have... all the things haven't done

29. What's the best toy you've ever gotten in a McDonalds happy meal?

The mini Barbie’s... I still have those hehe

30. if you could be anywhere in the world doing anything right now what would it be?

I would be in Hawaii with all my fave people watching the episode of Lost

31. Can you juggle?

So not coordinated enough

32. how do you feel right now?

Really Excited!

33. Do you remember that square candy bar called "Chunky"?

Yes! That was on the office. Michael had one in his pocket when he hugged Pammy and she thought his little buddy was coming out to play ha

34. Predict the length of the next Peter Jackson movie.

"Predict the length of the next Peter Jackson... " That's all I need to know, Frodo

35. What was your favorite toy as a kid?

My Playschool doll house and my little plastic animals

36. are you willing to go the distance?

Oh, of course Mr. ambiguous survey

37. Did you answer question 17?

What is, question 17 does not exist

Thank you Alex Trebek, thank you

: )

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

LOST... Striding back into our lives

One day we were making sandwiches, blowing up submarines and flashfowarding into the future and the next it was gone. Lost walked out our television's back door for nearly nine months (you could of given birth to a little baby in that time frame! Juno hehe) And now my friends it has returned. Strutting back into our life with promotion galore. I mean there is not one moment you turn on the T.V. and ABC is not pimpin' it's lone show and I couldn't be happier. Lost's fourth season premieres tomorrow night and I'm about ready "to stab my eyes out with excitement" as I told Kaitlyn fork to pupil today at lunch.
Last season we were left in the fetile position suffering from a shock induced case of the shakes due to the finales shocker. Beardy oxycodone addict love stricken new phone Jack and Freckleless Volvo driving Kate have flashfowarded and are now off the island!! *cue brain EXPLODING* And if that's not enough to have you speaking in tongues our Losties present time (?) have connected to the outside world, Charlie has seeked out his watery grave, it's "Not Penny's Boat", Sayid breaks peoples necks with his legs, Jack professes his love for Kate, and oh yea, Walt's all grown up and telling suicidal Dharma ditch Locke that he has work to do. So yea we have a lot to pick up on.
Because of the writer's strike Lost's fourth season currently only consists of eight episodes. However if things go the way they are looking negotiation wise we maybe able to finish the season with the 16 originally planned. But strike blabber aside I think we'll all savor the 8 being fed to us. And because I am weak and an addict I have seeked out several inside scoop bits of spoilers throughout the net to scratch the itch. So if you're sensitive to the spoiler world watch out for this here next paragraph.
I'm not going to tell you the whole shebang about this season because my worst fear is ruining it for some of you so I'll just hint around it. In the first episode "The Beginning of the End" two on again off agains get a bit more friendly only to find a con at the motivation... but a warm hearted that's how she always roles no hard feelings kind of con. A lostie we thought was dead returns and their looking pretty slick. And by the end of the Ep our losties have split up in to separate factions of sorts. END OF SPOILERS... for now at least.
So the greatest show ever returns tomorrow and it's going to be the cheese to this girl’s macaroni. We're not just going to get back to the adventures and the mystery but the characters we love. So, tune in tomorrow, Thursday the 31st at 8 pm for the recap show and 9 pm for "The Beginning of the End" premiere. Also tonight ABC is airing a special Enhanced version of last years brilliant season finale "Through the looking glass" at 9 pm. You can also catch past episodes here: Linkage
Everyone watch the show, it's going to make you wonder how you ever sat down and watched The Moment of Truth

Love to Lost

: )

Photo credit: Lost-media

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The beauty of Awkward... today, tomorrow next week and my love for some people : )

Okay, what do you get when you have an Asian orgy, fibrous breast and Russian dressing? ... ... You got it, a day out with Kevin and Nelle (can that equation also work with the underground after party with the prez candidates? Think on that one. Woot algebra) Anyways today we had some serious exams that may just affect the rest of our lives but what ever. After said exams Kevin, Nelle and myself frolicked around the city. When I say frolic I mean we went to Alan's for salads and sandwiches. Nelle, is amazing and is rumored to have a very nice kitchen. Kevin is essentially hot sex in a can... or dumpling should I say? (That is not racist. Dumplings are delicious.)
The three of us sat in the profound way in which we typically do contemplating the deep abyss that is our souls. And we got on the topic of the future. We discussed where we would be ten years from now, (fingers crossed for lonely waitress snorting cocaine lines in L.A.) and what it would all be like then. When you're a kid, teen, awkward, thinking about the future is ridiculously fun. It comes with a sort of hope. Like moving across the country or shaving your head the future is bold and fresh. We talked about the jobs we wanted, the kids we wanted the type spouse we desired. And as we sat in our little high school bubble I realized nearly everything is easier said then done (nearly everything: supercalafragilisticispiealadocious?) I mean the future, any way we frame it, is going to be different and it’s gonna be scary as hell. And maybe it will be good different and maybe bad. But for the first time in my entire life I've never wished more then now to never grow up and to never leave the Fordham Garden with Nelle and Kevin where we would always remain awkwardly awesome teenagers who only have to worry about the extra credit on the Science Midterm.

P.S. American idol = totally sketchy and amazing. Thus I combine the subjects of this post in the Photoshop above.

For Kevin and Nelle... I love you guys

: )

Origional photo credit:

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Cheese : )

Today I though maybe I’d become a vegan.

What a load of crap.

I soon remembered I have a way too deep close and personal relationship with cheese. We are emotionally intertwined with one another. It’s pretty epic.

Yes, I haven't updated since the days of Sparta... I know, tis shameful lol

Alanis is totally rockin' my world right now.

: )