Thursday, February 7, 2008

LostRehash: The HO Ep! YAYAY

They're selling Kenny G. Albums at Starbucks. Apparently he now has a certain Latin flare. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

Now down to the meat. And when I say meet I mean, "What the EAFFF is up with Jacobs shape shifting cabin????!!" I know I know, I'm pretty tardy on this Lost blog. This won't be the usual trend. Had a bit of regurgitation of PBA stress. But now we have a clean slate, a Tabula Rasa if u will...? (Major Lost nerds I'm sure you get that reference) Okay let me just hit on some bullet points from last weeks Lost season four premier "The Beginning of the End."

- Hurley drives his Camero. Pretty great. I think of wholesome family time. Jack pours himself a screwdriver and I think of Nelle
- Oceanic Six... sounds like a cult. I swear that's exactly what this show is going to turn out to be about. After the white linen tunic funeral they can't deny that
- "Her name was Ana-Lucia Cortez. She was my partner before I made detective. Dark hair, gorgeous".... uhhh awkturt, much? And then Hurley denies knowing her. More on that is theories/final thoughts
- And then the interrogation room turns into the freakin' Hydra station. Oh man, now don't lie and say you weren't just a little freaked out about that. And then it gets crazier. The swimming Junkie hood days Charlie swims up puts his hand on the glass and it says "They Need You"

-Okay, so then we're back, Island time, Awesometown time, and Rose is giving Claire sex tips. Yep. Rose tells little aussie Claire with little baby Aaron that she better treat her man good. Granted her man's dead. But hey, some people like that stuff... woah, that was cold (that's what she said)
-Jack says he's going to kill John Locke because he's crazy. Have you looked in the mirror lately Oxycodone boy?
-Danielle punches Ben. He Bleeds. No one makes him bleed his own blood... except for everyone as of recent
- Back at the Beach Hurley does a cannon ball and has a very sexy Baywatch moment. We smile. But then in classic Lost fashion... Desmond shows up on a boat... Charlieless. Every character gets a sad reaction shot. Sayid's was my fave. I don't know why, just is. I think it's the smoothing of the hair and the turn away. Priceless.

- Kate and Jack hug. I squee with joy. I have a feeling that Kate's hands were down there not for the iPhone but the doctor butt. Felt like she'd go for it while she was gropping around.
- Hurley meets creepy Oceanic guy, Matthew Abaddon. He says creepy things. And apparently his name means creepier things. In Hebrew Abaddon means destroyer and or destruction. His name also, get ready for it, comes from the Hebrew rooted word aleph-bet-daled which means "LOST".... DUN DUN DUNNNNN!

- Now we get to the sketchiest scene. Naomi’s death. Oh my god. I think I've reenacted her slurred "GeOrgeeee" and Kate's Awkturt face in response about a billion times throughout the past week.
- And then came Jacob's cabin. Freakin' Chrissy Sheps! And then the eye!!! Hurley runs away and our hearts are beating and we're screaming at the television to get the F*ck outta there and we think we're safe and then the house pops up again and I piss my pants.

- John Locke shows up... Why am I not surprised.... sketchy little bald fetus man.
- Down by the very missed cockpit the Losties begin to gather. And Claire shows up and the strings start and Hurley says Charlie and dead in the same sentence...And here is where I cry like the little biotch that I am. Oh my gosh. I mean I was shaking with sobs. I was slurring my words waving my hands in the air. It was very Paula Abdul of me.

- At Santa Rosa Charlie shows up and looks like Hot Hobbit Sex- Jack pulls out my favorite crazy Jack face and goes badass and pulls the trigger on Lockey when he's got him pinned (that's what she said?) Turns out there's no bullets, but it was still pretty great.

- The group splits into two factions. The Lockeys and the Dr. Quinns. I giggle when Sawyer says survivin'.
- Flash Forward back to Santa Rosa's gym. Hurley’s a regular O. Branstein on the court. Jack shows up looking sexy but slightly Manorexic. They play Horse. Jack is a Ho. The island wants them to go back but Jack likes missing the basket (once again, that's what she said. Nelle, is this a record? hehe)

- Back at the cockpit Jack and Kate make sex eyes in the rain, very notebook... I smile a little too much.
- And then UP IN THE SKY the helicopter flips out and this new Beardy shows up. And then LOST

Easter egg Lost Nerd find per the Fab Lostpedia:
Apparently Ho's have a lot to do with this ep and not in the John Locke manner. Check out this little tidbit...

"The letters H and O show up several times in this episode. "H" is the 8th letter of the alphabet and "O" is the 15th, together this makes 815. "HO" is also the chemical element Holmium. Holmium has been used to create the strongest artificially-generated magnetic fields.

- While playing horse with Hurley, Jack gets the letters "H" and "O". *
- Behind Hurley as he’s freaking out over Abaddon there’s a small sculpture of the letters ‘HO’ on a shelf.
- Hurley mentions Charlie’s ghost showing up in the convenience store right next to the “Ho Ho’s”."

Crazy, eh?

Also theory wise about the Oceanic Six A-teamness I'm guessing they lied about the island or were told to lie about it by higher powers (Dharma, Hanso, Widmore, Oceanic, ect). They claim they're the only survivors, that everyone else died in the crash. I'm really excited to see how this all physiologically plays out for the six. The guilt obviously ridding them is going to break them down eventually. It's only a matter of time.

Okay so ya, freakin' loved that ep. Next day at school Ava, Maddy (wifies) and I went Ballistic. So much fun. Made us talk loud, and that's all I really need, If I can accomplish that I'm pretty satisfied

Promo next week’s ep: Confirmed dead

All the cred for pictures and smart easter egg stuff goes to and

I'm still in love with lost and the cult that surrounds it in a rainbowy sheen

Moldy peaches are delicious

: )

1 comment:

Renata said...

Whoo finally! Now I actually sort of get to know what's happening. Of course, I have no idea about anything that happened in the last half of season three excluding the finale, but whatever. Sounds cool. I think that Aaron's gonna be one of the Oceanic Six, but Claire won't make it. Locke will choose not to leave or die, whichever, and I think that Jin and Sun will die together on the island. Sawyer's gonna die and when he does I'm gonna SOB because I so want to be on the island just so I can jump his sexy bones (would that be plural or singular?). I don't remember who else is there from the original flight . . . is there anyone? Did Rose and husband die a long time ago or am I missing something? I really do need to do a recap of all things season 3.